E640 VercammenLaw News
3 Supreme Court rejects protective sweep of building where defendant handcuffed State v Radel
an arrest occurs outside a home, the police may not enter the dwelling
or conduct a protective sweep in the absence of a reasonable and
articulable suspicion that a person or persons are present inside and
pose an imminent threat to the officers’ safety. This sensible balancing
of the fundamental right to privacy in one’s home and the compelling
interest in officer safety will depend on an objective assessment of the
particular circumstances in each case, such as the manner of the
arrest, the distance of the arrest from the home, the reasonableness of
the officers’ suspicion that persons were in the dwelling and likely to
launch an imminent attack, and any other relevant factors. A
self-created exigency by the police cannot justify entry into the home
or a protective sweep. Here, a protective sweep was not warranted in
the Radel case but was constitutionally justified in
the Terres case. A-44-20
4 New events
Municipal Court 101 Seminar
WEDNESDAY, MAY 18 9:30 - 11 a.m.
NJSBA Annual Meeting Wednesday
Borgata Hotel 1 Borgata Way, Atlantic City, NJ 08401
Municipal Court Track Salon C | Borgata
Join experienced practitioners for an introductory program that will
provide you with the essential basics of municipal court practice.
Kenneth A. Vercammen, Esq.
Hon. Harry D. Norton Jr., J.M.C.
Jacob P. Davidson, Esq.
Adam Herbst, Esq.
Moshood Muftau, Deputy County Counsel & Municipal Prosecutor
Joshua H. Reinitz, Esq.
Kevin McKernan, Esq.
This is an introduction to municipal court for recently admitted
attorneys or for attorneys who is new to the practice area or wants a
refresher. Experienced practitioners and judges will discuss important
procedures, practical information and practice tips.
5. Estate Planning In Virtual World webinar
May 25, 2022 at 1pm eastern ABA GP Solo
Free for ABA members, $195 for non-members
Speakers: Ken Vercammen, Esq Co Chair ABA Estate and Financial Planning Committee
David Godfrey (on remote capacity )
Director ABA Commission on Law and Aging
6. Friday May 27 “Legends of Belmar” Friday
night of Memorial Day - “Start of Summer Happy Hour with the Legends of
Belmar” Join Ken V and friends the Friday night before Spring Lake 5
race for "Legends Night" in Belmar at D’Jais 5:30 free food Ocean Ave.
Belmar, 7:30 Bar Anticipation 16th Ave.
Not a race, just social event. The greats of Belmar beach volleyball,
friends of Holme band and the beach start Memorial Day at D’Jais &
Bar A. Give out American Flag stickers to lucky customers to show your
support for USA and those who served. Marty P, John C, Chris K, Loud
Scott, Legendettes, maybe even Daniel-son. Free to attend
New race / walk: Monroe Central VFW Post 262 - 5K Sun June 19, 2022 9:00AM
https://runsignup.com/Race/NJ/MonroeTownship/MonroeCentralVFW2625KRunWalk only $25 pre-registered to help veterans
7. Reminder of the other May Events:
Sayreville Public Library Wills & Power of Attorney Seminar
via zoom May 17, 2022 at 6pm This event is free & open to the public. With Middlesex County Surrogate Claribel Cortes
May 25 South Plainfield Public Library
Wills, Estate Planning & Probate Seminar
6:30 in person and via
Zoom https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdtdpe7wQMOXefYUoUQ25aOZhglkOz4NL1L5qt-IKPcnQZbjA/viewform
May 28 Edison Memorial Day parade on Saturday this year 12noon Finishes at American Legion Father & Son Post 435
43 Oakland Ave,
Edison, NJ 08817
(732) 985-9768
May 30 Metuchen Memorial Day
May Charity races
May 28 Spring Lake Five Mile Run Saturday 8:30am then free food at Bar A.
May 29 Navesink 1.2-mile swim 8:15 AM
May 30 North Brunswick Memorial Day 5k 8:30am North Brunswick Community Park Route 130 South
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