1. NJ Supreme Court order to adjourn cases until April 26
2. Kenneth Vercammen’s Law Office updated Will preparation online with follow up consults by phone and online
3. Expungements to remove criminal arrests continue to be processed.
4.East Brunswick Will & Estate Planning Seminar online
5. How to run a law office or business without clients coming in for consults
6. New YouTube videos
1. NJ Supreme Court Order to adjourn cases until April 26
Municipal Court sessions are suspended through April 26, 2020, during which period Municipal Court functions will continue [online only behind locked doors] as described in the March 14, 2020 notice. Check your court dates at https://portal.njcourts.gov/webe5/MPAWeb/index.jsp
- Special Civil Part (DC) and Small Claims (SC) trial calendars are suspended through April 26, 2020;
- Landlord/tenant calendars are suspended through April 26, 2020, and lockouts of residential tenants (evictions) are suspended in accordance with Executive Order 106 (March 19, 2020)
-No new civil or criminal jury trials will be conducted until further notice. More at https://www.njcourts.gov/notices/2020/n200327a.pdf?c=dQp
2. Kenneth Vercammen’s Law Office updated Will preparation online with follow up consults by phone and online
To assist potential clients who are staying home we now offer consults and document preparation remotely. We are concerned about your health and wellbeing.
1. For Wills, Power of Attorney, Living Wills, Deeds, Expungements please email Vercammenlaw@njlaws.com. We will email the interview form.
1. For Wills, Power of Attorney, Living Wills, Deeds, Expungements please email Vercammenlaw@njlaws.com. We will email the interview form.
2. Type response/ Fill in details., email completed Will Questionnaire back. For Wills Please type up & fill out completely and email to vercammenlaw@njlaws.com.. Typing name and details is required. Save as word doc or text, not pdf. This form is extremely important. Your accuracy and completeness in responding will help us best help you. All sections and information must be filled out prior to discussing with the attorney.
3. Ken V will call to discuss.
4. After you pay by credit card online or payment confirmed from PayPal, legal plan or Barter Depot, we will draft documents and email to you.
5. Ken V will call to answer further questions
6. Sign documents in front of notary and two witnesses. Signing instructions provided.
Stay safe but still get your important documents done. We strongly recommend all adults have a Power of Attorney prepared in the event they are temporarily incapacitated or hospitalized. We do require interview forms be completed in full and emailed back so we can provide accurate advice. The doctor’s office similarly has patients fill out details prior to the consult.
To have documents paid for client will email us:
1. The credit card number, minus last four digits [or Legal Plan # or Barter #]
2. zip code for card
3. Authorization to charge the card for the amount
4 Expiration date
5 Three digit code on back of credit card.
6. any other relevant information regarding the case
After email, we will call over phone to obtain 5 Last four digits of credit card
Otherwise you will need to mail check, or drop off cash via mail slot in Edison office.
3. Expungements to remove criminal arrests continue to be processed.
Although Jury trials and municipal court hearings are put on hold, the expungement process to remove criminal charges continues. Get your expungement done now if you or a family member is eligible. Don't wait for June 2020 changes in the law. Thank you to Allan Marain Esq. for joining me at the March 10 North Brunswick Public LibrarySeminar: Remove & Expungement of Criminal Arrests and Convictions –Free Seminar
Email Ken V and we will email you interview form.
Mr. Marain notes on his website: Are you applying to nursing school? Would you like to be a teacher? Drive a school bus? Be a school crossing guard? Are you seeking a New Jersey firearms identification card? Perhaps you want to adopt a child or be a foster parent, or coach a Little League® baseball team. Maybe you're looking for a job in securities, or at Home Depot. Maybe you're just looking for a job, period. Any job. Were you ever charged with shoplifting? Or busted over a little weed? Are any felony convictions, or even just arrests, on your record?
Expungement (or expunction) in New Jersey is the isolation of a criminal record. The actual record is not literally “erased.” Expungement do, however, erase many civil disabilities that convictions bring. Thus citizens whose criminal record has been expunged again become eligible to vote. They qualify for jury service and do not even have to mention they were ever arrested, or charged with an offense. Statutory firearms disqualifications are removed. And expunged records become generally not available from government sources. So in that sense, these records are erased from the sight of people doing public records searches through the courts, through the police, and even through the FBI.
4. East Brunswick Will & Estate Planning Seminar online to watch .
This may be the only Will and Estate Planning for the Spring. Watch seminar at:
I thank the East Brunswick Library for again inviting me to serve as a speaker. Since all NJ events are cancelled for the next month, this online program will be posted for free for next two months.
Other Free Wills programs online
Edison Wills and Estates Seminar Edison Law Office 2020
Edison Library Will Seminar 1 hour
5.How to run a law office or business without clients coming in for consults
Famous NJ speaker Martin M. Shenkman, Esq. notes we are all concerned about the potential health impact of the COVID-19 virus on ourselves, our loved ones, our practices, and our clients.
Practitioners should be certain that clients are aware of legal, tax, financial, and other implications should they choose to react to them. Living wills, do not resuscitate orders, and other healthcare related documents may be crucial to review for several reasons. Many of these documents, especially standard forms obtained online or elsewhere, may contain language that could be completely contrary to what a client might wish to have done during the coronavirus pandemic. For example, some of these documents may prohibit intubation under all circumstances, including intubating for a short time to survive coronavirus. People who sign such forms often have in mind an extended period in a hospital, connected to an array of tubes, being artificially kept alive. That is a very different scenario than contracting coronavirus. Clients should especially be certain that older loved ones, or loved ones with chronic or other conditions, have not signed cheap online documents that would deny them the care they would actually want in the current circumstances.
Although it almost seems inappropriate to suggest revising estate planning documents at this difficult time, if you have clients with documents that are dangerously outdated or don’t reflect their current wishes, the mortality rate of coronavirus would suggest that revisions may be critical at the present time.
The stock market has been adversely impacted. Clients might need to review revenue sources, expenditures, retirement plans, estate plans, financial models, business succession plans, and much more.
For attorneys, the March 19 webinar may be of interest to you.
New YouTube videos
While the courts and offices are closed, I spent Wednesday recording short informational videos on legal topics for the public.
Videos then posted onhttps://www.facebook.com/Kenneth-Vercammen-Associates-PC-Law-Office-Edison-NJ-08817-149816077985/
Videos then posted onhttps://www.facebook.com/Kenneth-Vercammen-Associates-PC-Law-Office-Edison-NJ-08817-149816077985/
Notice of Probate requirements
What are Not Probate Assets, which do not pass under a Will?
Who receives the assets if no Will?
Signing Your Will Legal Requirements
Steps In Preparing Your Will with your attorney
Have a Will done properly to save you family money and lawsuits
Expungements to remove criminal arrests continue to be processed
New laws Elimination of mandatory DL suspensions related to drugs
Municipal Court Defense by Certification Rule 7:12-3 relaxed
Beware of online Wills and Power of Attorney not prepared by an attorney
Why should my Will have a clause no bond required
What information is needed for Expungement?
What to do in a Fall down Accident at the scene
What happens in a Car accident case?
Videos then posted onhttps://www.facebook.com/Kenneth-Vercammen-Associates-PC-Law-Office-Edison-NJ-08817-149816077985/
Videos then posted onhttps://www.facebook.com/Kenneth-Vercammen-Associates-PC-Law-Office-Edison-NJ-08817-149816077985/
April 20 Winning Strategies for Municipal Court - How the Biggest Changes in DWI Law in 50 Years Will Affect Your Practice now a Webcast-
Live Webcast All webcasts will use the Zoom meetings platform - you can prepare for the webcast by downloading the Zoom meetings app.
May 4 Nuts & Bolts of Elder Law & Estate Administration NJ Bar 5pm-9pm Now webcast
Live Webcast All webcasts will use the Zoom meetings platform - you can prepare for the webcast by downloading the Zoom meetings app.
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